While Goku and Trunks fight Cardinal Muchi Muchi, Pan is picked up by the mysterious Master Daltaki, the leader of the Luud cult. While he addresses his followers, they notice that he is operating Lord Luud with a remote control. He admits that Luud is just a robot, but then uses Luud to turn them into dolls. He uses the energy from the dolls to power Lord Luud. Meanwhile, Goku and Trunks transform into Super Saiyans, and are able to defeat Cardinal Muchi Muchi. They head into the main chamber to retrieve the Dragon Ball, but Master Daltaki stops them. He has finally gathered enough energy to power up Lord Luud.
Dragon Ball GT Episode 12 - The Last Oracle of Luud
While Goku and Trunks fight Cardinal Muchi Muchi, Pan is picked up by the mysterious Master Daltaki, the leader of the Luud cult. While he addresses his followers, they notice that he is operating Lord Luud with a remote control. He admits that Luud is just a robot, but then uses Luud to turn them into dolls. He uses the energy from the dolls to power Lord Luud. Meanwhile, Goku and Trunks transform into Super Saiyans, and are able to defeat Cardinal Muchi Muchi. They head into the main chamber to retrieve the Dragon Ball, but Master Daltaki stops them. He has finally gathered enough energy to power up Lord Luud.
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